
sayansi na teknolojia drs 6

The notes is prepared according to the 2016 Science and Technology Syllabus for Primary Schools, swahili medium school. The notes includes explanations, illustrations, practical activities, exercises and experiments that enhance learning. You are encouraged to do all activities, experiments and exercises. This will enable you to develop the intended competencies.  

This book consists of 18 chapters, which are:

  1. Hewa
  2. Ukuaji wa mimea
  3. Usanishaji chakula
  4. Udongo  
  5. Nishati ya umeme  
  6. Nishati jadidifu  
  7. Mashine na kazi  
  8. Uyeyushaji mweneo  
  9. Programu jedwali  
  10. Intaneti  
  11. Usafi wa mazlngira  
  12. Huduma ya kwanza  
  13. Magonjwa ya ngono, Virusi Vya UKIMWI na UKIMWI  
  14. Magonjwa ya kurithl  
  15. Huduma za afya
  16. Mfumo wa mzunguko wa damu
  17. Balehe  
  18. Mfumo wa uzazi