Base Ten Numeration
Natural and WholeNumber
Operations with Whole Numbers
Use the four operations in solving word problems
Base Ten Numeration
- Identify the place value in each digit in base ten numeration
- Read numbers in base ten numeration
- Write numbers in base ten numeration up to one billion
- Apply numbers in daily life
Natural and WholeNumber
- Distinguish between natural and whole numbers
- Identify even ,odd, and primenumbers
- Show even , odd and prime numbers on numberlines
Operations with Whole Numbers
- Add whole numbers
- Subtract whole numbers
- Multiply whole numbers
- Divide whole numbers
Use the four operations in solving word problems
- Factors And Multiples Of Numbers
- Find factors of anumber
Find multiples of anumber
- Use factors to find the greatest common factors(GCF) of numbers
- Identify integers
- Add integers
- Subtract integers
- Multiply integers
- Divideintegers
- Perform mixed operations onintegers